About Us
Approximately 70 years ago, as World War II was ending, a small ice cream stand was built by Leo Teittinen. Business prospered as Route 2A was then a busy road. The luncheonette became a restaurant with entertainment and in the mid 50's, the two 6-unit motels were added and the restaurant was expanded again.
Mr. Teittinen sold the business in 1969, shortly after the present Route 2 was completed. The restaurant did well until the early 1980's, when local unemployment levels of greater than 20% caused it to fall on hard times.
In 1983, the present owners, Jean and Craig Twohey, took over the operation. The years had taken their toll on the restaurant and motel and we set to restoring and refurbishing.
Fortunately, the economy, which was a bust in the early 1980's, became a boom in the mid-eighties and business prospered. The dining rooms and motels were then remodeled.
In 1987, it became apparent that our 15 x 18 foot kitchen was on its last legs and a new, more modern kitchen was needed. We began designing in early 1988 and decided to build a totally new kitchen to avoid business interruptions and convert the old kitchen into a private dining room, which was definitely needed. Ground was broken August 15, 1988 and three months later we were cooking out of our new kitchen. A project that started small became a monumental undertaking, involving a complete face lift, including a new parking facility located at the rear of the restaurant. This was all accomplished without closing the operation for a single day. This is a true testimony to the loyalty of faithful customers and the dedication of employees, family, friends and the great work of the general contractor and sub-contractors.
King Phillip completed construction in 1997 of our new lounge and banquet area for groups up to 100 and are now 100% handicapped accessible. We improved our waiting areas so that during our busiest times when we have large groups, we can minimize disruption to other guests. We also feature a spectacular lounge facility and a bar area that offers a casual, comfortable place to relax for a while.
*** Open 364 Days Of The Year! Closed on Christmas. Dairy Bar only on July 4th. ***
Our mission is to provide fine food and service in a casual atmosphere.
- Jean, Craig, Ryan and the Crew
King Philip, as he was named by the English, was the son of Massasoit, sachem of the Wampanoag Tribe that helped the pilgrims through their first winter in 1620. As a young man, Philip watched as land was repeatedly taken from his father by English law and English settlers. This, and eventual skirmishes between each other, precipitated "King Philip's War of 1675-1676." The war raged on for two years, as Captain Benjamin Church relentlessly pursued King Philip from Plymouth to Albany and Sakonnet to "The Great Swamp War" fought in Kingstown, Rhode Island. Much has been written about Philip, with very little evidence to substantiate the claim. Many said he was a barbaric, bloodthirsty savage, but not all historians condemn him of this. Washington Irving, writing of his death stated, "He went down like a lonely bark foundering - amid darkness and tempest, without a pitying eye to weep his fall, or a friendly hand record this struggle."